Gepubliceerd op woensdag 24 mei 2006
IEF 2111
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Persbericht: "European Charter for Film Online endorsed by major industry players. This Charter – the first of its kind in the world – identifies the preconditions for enabling content and infrastructure providers to make film online services a commercial success. The Charter will serve as reference for future commercial agreements as well as for a broader Content Online policy of the European Commission.

The consensus reflected in the European Film Online Charter includes:

-  the recognition of opportunities that would be offered by Europe-wide or multi-territory licences and clearances, especially for European films with limited distribution outside their principal territories,

-  the need for film producers, right holders and online distributors to agree on the most suitable online release window, while bearing in mind the need for an attractive offer to the public,

- the recognition of peer-to-peer technology as positive development for the legitimate online distribution of properly secured content,

- the essential need to create a culture of proper respect for creativity and effective protection of copyright,

- the commitment of online service providers to refrain from knowingly showing advertisements from entities engaged in, or intentionally inducing, piracy; accordingly, they will take the necessary steps to end such practices as quickly as possible following adequate notification,

- the need for cooperation between content providers and online service providers to develop technologies to protect copyrighted material. Technologies should be promoted that are secure, cost effective, robust, and interoperable, ideally based on open standards, across multiple platforms and devices."

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