Gepubliceerd op maandag 1 maart 2010
IEF 8640
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The European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy.

Council of the European Union: Council Resolution of 1 March 2010 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market, 2999th Competitiveness Council meeting.

23. RECOGNISES the need for evidence-based and outcome-oriented policy making and in this context welcomes the recent creation and work of the European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy.

27. RECOGNISES the importance of reliable and comparable data on counterfeiting and piracy and INVITES the Commission, the Member States and industry to provide the Observatory with available information and to jointly develop and agree, in the context of the Observatory, on plans to collect further information. and to jointly develop a common methodology for collecting data.

32. INVITES the Commission to analyse the opportunity of submitting an amended proposal for a Directive on criminal measures aimed at combating counterfeiting and piracy. This analysis must include an assessment of the extent to which action is essential to ensure the effective implementation of a Union policy in an area which has been subject to harmonisation measures, as well as an examination of the impact, costs and benefits of any new measures;

33. REQUESTS the Observatory to facilitate regular experts' meetings, involving representatives from public authorities, private sector bodies and consumer organisations, to promote successful and proportional solutions against counterfeiting and piracy. The Observatory will pay special attention to the compilation of best practices in public and private sectors and codes of conduct in private sectors. In its Annual Report, the Observatory should take into account the conclusions of the experts' meetings and relevant round tables;

LEES de resolution hier.