Gepubliceerd op maandag 19 juni 2006
IEF 2216
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The human ability

Altijd mooi, een persbericht van (een van) de overwinnaar(s):

“Despite the fact that the human ability to finely distinguish between smells is limited, and despite the fact that as a result of the specific nature of scents not all provisions of the Copyright Act are applicable to scents, the Supreme Court ruled that the scent of a perfume is eligible for copyright protection.

Tobias Cohen Jehoram, a partner at De Brauw and attorney for Lancôme in the Supreme Court litigation, said: "This is not only a case of legal principle; in practice the outcome is of the utmost importance for the cosmetics industry". The Supreme Court also opened the door to new challenges of copyright protection. New challenges could be, for instance, whether works that one can taste are also susceptible to copyright protection.”

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