Gepubliceerd op donderdag 17 december 2009
IEF 8461
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To give rise to positive associations in the public’s mind

GvEA, 15 december 2009, T-412/08, Trubion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. tegen OHIM / Merck KGaA,

Gemeenschapsmerk. Oppositieprocedure tegen aanvraag Gemeenschaspwoordmerk  TRUBION o.g.v. ouder Gemeenschapsbeeldmerk TriBion Harmonis (geneesmiddelen). Oppositie toegewezen. Verwarringsgevaar.

41. Moreover, it must be held that the term ‘tribion’ is likely to play the main role in the relevant public’s process of memorising the sign, since, as OHIM rightly states, that term is likely to be perceived by consumers as the sign indicating the commercial origin of the goods, whereas the term ‘harmonis’ is likely to be perceived as a laudatory term indicating a specific product line within the ‘tribion’ range.

42. In this respect, it should be noted that, in the health products sector and to an even greater extent in the sector of products complementing health products, such as that of dietetic preparations, manufacturers very frequently market product lines within ranges bearing a specific word sign indicating the commercial origin of the goods followed by various word elements with an essentially descriptive and/or laudatory function of the characteristics specific to the different products in the range.

43. Even if it is true, as the applicant claims, that physical and mental harmony probably cannot be regarded as an intrinsic characteristic of dietetic preparations for medical use, that finding in no way detracts from the fact that, as OHIM and the intervener rightly contend, the term ‘harmonis’ is sufficiently close to the term ‘harmony’ to give rise to positive associations in the public’s mind, so that it may well be perceived as a laudatory term suggesting that the goods in question restore the body’s balance. It is therefore likely that consumers will perceive the term ‘harmonis’ as a laudatory term indicating a specific product line within the ‘tribion’ range.

44. As regards the figurative element, although it is larger than the word element of the earlier mark, it is not arranged in a specific, original or elaborate manner, in such a way that it might significantly influence the overall impression produced by the earlier sign. Moreover, as OHIM rightly states, that figurative element has no clear semantic content on its own.

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