Gepubliceerd op donderdag 2 maart 2006
IEF 1717
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OHIM Production Highlights: 2005 As the Office takes stock of its activities over the past year and prepares for 2006, this brief summary of CTM & RCD input and performance levels covering the main areas of OHIM’s work has been compiled. (...)A total of 59.757 Community trade marks were registered, and 60.570 registration certificates issued.

This implies respective increases of 19.5% & 18.5% on the Office’s original business plan figures.In comparison to the same data for the previous year, however, the number of Community trade marks registered in 2005 was more than 73% higher than the 34.478 CTMs registered in 2004, and with only 31.310 certificates of registration issued in 2004, the increase in the year 2005 was more than 93%.  Lees hier meer cijfers.