Gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 april 2006
IEF 1988
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Verborgen code

Wellicht inspirerend voor Nederlandse rechters: "Three weeks after a court passed judgement in the copyright case involving Dan Brown's bestseller "The Da Vinci Code", a lawyer has uncovered what may be a secret message buried in the text of the ruling.

Lawyer Dan Tench noticed some letters in the judgement had been italicised, and it suddenly dawned on him that they spelled a phrase that included the name of the judge: "Smith code".

Tench initially told The Times that apparently random letters in the judge's ruling appeared in italics."And then I got an e-mail from the judge," said Tench. He said Smith told him to look back at the first paragraphs. The italicised letters scattered throughout the judgement spell out: "smithcodeJaeiextostpsacgreamqwfkadpmqz". Lees hier meer (Reuters)

Update:De code is gekraakt.