Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 september 2005
IEF 922
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- Wel een beeldmerk, maar nog geen klankmerk? SoundOfAnImage converts images into music. Sometimes the "music" even sounds like music, especially if you play images with a lot of structure and/or symmetry to them. Lees hier meer.

- Iraqi Trademark Office Resumes Trademark Filing. Tthe expected date to resume filing of trademark applications in Iraq is September 19, 2005. The Trademark Office at the Iraqi Federation of Industries moved to the Ministry of Industry on May 30, 2005. The relocation came pursuant to the decision of the Iraqi Council of Ministers and Order Number 80, stipulating the amendment of the Iraqi Trademarks and Descriptions Law No. 21 of 1957. However, trademark applications at the Trademark Office will be processed according to the old Law No. 21 of 1957, in order to avoid any possible delays, while taking Law No. 80 into consideration. Lees hier iets meer.

- In case you hadn't heard, carb is out, over and done for, and zero is in — or at least it was last year. Those are among the key findings in the 2005 Trends in Trademarks report, an annual project of Philadelphia law firm Dechert LLP and partner Glenn Gundersen that analyzes what is being registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Lees hier meer.

- It's the kind of plot twist that will send some critics screaming into the aisles: Why not let writers patent their screenplay ideas? The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office already approves patents for software, business methods--remember's patent on "one-click" Internet orders?--even role-playing games. So why not let writers patent the intricate plot of the next cyberthriller? Lees hier meer.

- De Letse Nationale Opera heeft de uitvoering opgeschort van het ballet Assepoester van Sergej Prokofjev. De nazaten van de Russische componist hadden bezwaar gemaakt tegen het feit dat de versie van het Letse gezelschap zich afspeelt in een bordeel dat gerund wordt door de stiefmoeder van Assepoester en waar de stiefzussen als prostituées werken. (