Gepubliceerd op maandag 26 april 2010
IEF 8795
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Wereld IE Dag: helping to bring the world closer.

En vandaag, 26 april is het dus Wereld IE Dag, de geboortedag van het WIPO en ingesteld  om “het bewustzijn over de rol die intellectuele eigendom in ons dagelijks leven speelt te vergroten en om de bijdrage te vieren die uitvinders en kunstenaars hebben geleverd aan de ontwikkeling van gemeenschappen op de wereldbol.” 

Het officiële thema van deze 10e Wereld IE Dag is “Innovation – Linking the World”. Francis Gurry, directeur generaal van het WIPO verwoordt het, met gevoel voor drama, als volgt: “Relatively few decades ago, the world remained vast and largely unknown for most people. Travel was costly and long. Knowledge was paper-based and hard to share. Telephone service was, in many places, non-existent. Outside of large cities, access to foreign culture and the arts was limited.

Rapid innovation and its global adoption has transformed our outlook. We are now linked – physically, intellectually, socially and culturally – in ways that were impossible to imagine. (…) The intellectual property system is part of this linking process. (…) It helps structure the collaboration needed to meet the daunting global challenges, such as climate change and spiraling energy needs, confronting us all. WIPO is dedicated to ensuring that the intellectual property system continues to serve its most fundamental purpose of encouraging innovation and creativity; and that the benefits of the system are accessible to all – helping to bring the world closer.

Lees hier meer. Wereld IE Dag Borrel (woensdag a.s) vanaf hier.