Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 december 2008
IEF 7368
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Zichtbaar wit

Colgate Visible WhiteGvEA, 9 december 2008, zaak T/136/07, Colgate-Palmolive Co tegen OHIM / CMS Hasche Sigle (Nederlandse vertaling nog niet beschikbaar).

Gemeenschapsmerkenrecht. Succesvolle nietigheidsprocedure tegen Gemeenschapswoordmerk VISIBLE WHITE van Colgate-Palmolive.
“43. Thus, the words ‘visible’ and ‘white’ allow the public concerned to detect immediately and without further reflection the description of a fundamental characteristic of the goods concerned, namely that their use makes the white colour of teeth visible. (44) Since the word mark at issue is composed of a number of elements, however, it is necessary to ascertain whether the descriptive character which the components have been found to have is also established for the word element as a whole

45. In the present case, the Court finds, first, that the adjective ‘visible’ is placed before the word ‘white’, in keeping with English syntax, so that the association of the two words is not unusual in its structure and, on the contrary, makes up a familiar expression in English for designating the goods concerned or presenting one of their essential characteristics, namely the fact that they make the white colour of teeth visible.

46. The Board of Appeal was thus right in finding that the expression in question informs the relevant consumer, clearly and immediately, of the intended use and characteristics of the goods concerned (47) It follows that, viewed as a whole, the sign VISIBLE WHITE does have a sufficiently direct and specific relationship with the goods covered by the mark at issue.”

Lees het arrest hier.