Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 mei 2007
IEF 4029
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Persbericht Raad van Europa: Brussels, TV without frontiers. 24-25 May 2007.  The Council reached, by unanimity, political agreement on a draft directive on the coordination of certain provisions concerning the audiovisual media services

The draft directive seeks to address the significant technological and market developments of recent years while ensuring a competitive level playing field between media service providers. It establishes common minimum rules for all audiovisual media services irrespective of the transmission platform used for their delivery.

Within the notion of audiovisual media services, the text distinguishes between "linear" television broadcasts (e.g. scheduled broadcasting via traditional TV, the internet or mobile phones) which "pushes" content to viewers and on-demand services ("non-linear"), such as video on demand, which the viewer "pulls" from a network.

Only the common minimum rules would apply to ondemand services (inter alia protection of minors and human dignity, qualitative rules on advertising), whilst additional rules, including the quantitative rules on advertising, would apply to television broadcasts. Like the existing directive, the political agreement uses the principle of the country-of-origin to determine jurisdiction between Member States.

However, the text agreed includes a Community mechanism allowing a "destination" Member State, in limited circumstances, to take measures against a provider established in another Member State. Co-operation between Member States in their handling of services provided across frontiers is also mandatory.

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