Beroep namens gestaakt bedrijf retro-actief geldig
Grote Kamer van Beroep EOB 25 november 2014, IEF 14439, G-1/13 (Sasol Technology tegen Formalities Bureau)Octrooiprocesrecht. Wanneer een oppositie is ingesteld door een failliet bedrijf, maar dat een doorstart heeft meegemaakt waardoor het 'geacht wordt nooit failliet te zijn geweest', dan is een beroep geldig als in naam van dat bedrijf geldig tegen de beslissing voor behoud van een Europees octrooi in aangepaste vorm. Dit geldt zelfs, indien de doorstart met retro-actieve werking plaatsvindt nadat de termijn is verlopen.
The questions referred to the Enlarged Board of Appeal are answered as follows:
1. Where an opposition is filed by a company which subsequently, under the relevant national law governing the company, for all purposes ceases to exist, but that company is subsequently restored to existence under a provision of that governing national law, by virtue of which the company is deemed to have continued in existence as if it had not ceased to exist, all these events taking place before a decision of the Opposition Division maintaining the opposed patent in amended form becomes final, the European Patent Office must recognize the retroactive effect of that provision of national law and allow the opposition proceedings to be continued by the restored company.2. Where, in the factual circumstances underlying Question 1, a valid appeal is filed in due time in the name of the non-existent opponent company against the decision maintaining the European patent in amended form, and the restoration of the company to existence, with retroactive effect as described in Question 1, takes place after the expiry of the time limit for filing the notice of appeal under Article 108 EPC, the Board of Appeal must treat the appeal as admissible.