Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 augustus 2012
IEF 11681
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Boekaankondiging: A Century of Dutch Copyright Law

P.B. Hugenholtz, A.A. Quaedvlieg, D.J.G. Visser, e.a. (red), A Century of Dutch Copyright Law, Amsterdam: deLex 2012.

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On September 23, 1912, the Dutch Copyright Act – Auteurswet – was enacted. A century after its enactment the Dutch law is one of the world’s oldest ‘living’ acts of the author’s rights tradition. While the Act has seen many small and large amendments since its adoption in 1912, it has never been thoroughly revised, so its conception and basic structure have remained essentially intact.

This book celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the Dutch Act. It traces and assesses, for an international readership, the development of Dutch copyright law since its codification in 1912 until today. The book focuses on the interesting or even unique features of Dutch copyright law, with a view to the on-going harmonization of copyright law in the European Union, and possible future unification. What can Europe or the world at large learn from a century of Dutch copyright law, jurisprudence and doctrine? What solutions might inspire the European legislature or law makers elsewhere in the world? What mistakes are better to be avoided?

Sixteen scholars on Dutch copyright have written extensive papers on distinct aspects of the Dutch Act, focussing on the characteristic elements of the Dutch Act from an international perspective, edited by Bernt Hugenholtz, Antoon Quaedvlieg and Dirk Visser. The book also contains an English translation of the Dutch Copyright Act.

Table of Contents (pdf)
EU Directives
Preface by Bernt Hugenholtz, Antoon Quaedvlieg, Dirk Visser
Willem Grosheide, The making of the Auteurswet 1912
Bernt Hugenholtz, Works of Literature, Science and Art
Annemarie Beunen, Geschriftenbescherming: The Dutch Protection for Non-original Writings
Anselm Kamperman Sanders, 100 Years of Copyright – The Interface with Design Law Coming Full Circle?
Jacqueline Seignette, Authorship, Copyright Ownership and Works made on Commission and under Employment
Mireille van Eechoud, Government Works
Bart Lenselink, Copyright Contract Law
Jaap Spoor, Verveelvoudigen: Reproduction and Adaptation under the 1912 Copyright Act
Dirk Visser, Openbaar maken: Communication to the public
Madeleine de Cock Buning, Cable Retransmission and Other Secondary Use
Feer Verkade, ‘First-sale’ or Exhaustion Doctrine in the Netherlands
Jan Kabel and Antoon Quaedvlieg, Moral Rights
Martin Senft leben, Quotations, Parody and Fair Use
Dirk Visser, Private Copying
Lucie Guibault, The Press Exception in the Dutch Copyright Act
Kamiel Koelman, Regulation of Collecting Societies

Annex: Copyright Act - Auteurswet (Unofficial translation)