Gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 maart 2012
IEF 11051
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Boekaankondiging: Copyright Law in the Making

Sylvia Kierkegaard & Willem Grosheide (eds.), Copyright Law in the Making. Chinese and European Perspectives, CO-REACH IPR in the New Media, 2012.- order by email

Inhoudsopgave. Reform of intellectual property law to suit the needs of the Internet age is a major issue in both the EU and China. Governments are facing the growing challenge of finding a balance between copyright protection in the digital environment and access to information. The Copyright Law in the Making – Chinese and European Perspectives sought to contribute towards the identification and resolution of the most important issues relating to the application and enforcement of intellectual property rights within an on-line context through enhancement of knowledge on issues of copyright law, regulatory choice and methods of comparative research.

"This book is a welcome attempt to do a comparative analysis of EU and Chinese copyright Laws and the approach that the EU and China has taken to this particular branch of IP law. It will be a valuable source of reference in shaping future developments and for practitioner who specialise in copyright law."