Gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 augustus 2006
IEF 2453
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Crucial words in Dutch

wp.bmpWouter Pors (Bird & Bird): Some first remarks on GAT v. LuK, Roche v. Primus & Goldenberg and Sisvel v. Sandisk & Moduslink. The Hague, 9 August 2006.

“In The Netherlands, some first comments have already been published on the (supposedly) landslide rulings by the European Court of Justice on cross-border litigation. In this high speeds era, these comments were published on the famous Dutch weblog, by Berber Brouwer (here) and by Willem Hoyng (here). I totally agree with Willem Hoyng that rumours that all cross-border injunctions are now history, are overstatements.

I believe that cross-border injunctions based on article 2 of the Brussels Regulation should still be possible. No longer possible are cross-border injunctions against foreign defendants based in the EU, as article 6 section does not provide the jurisdiction for that. The ECJ has now clearly stated so in Roche v. Primus.”

Lees hier verder (Word-document).