Gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 februari 2011
IEF 9418
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Een gemeenschappelijk recht

The European Parliament gave its consent on Tuesday for a common EU patent system to be created using the enhanced cooperation procedure. In December 2010, twelve Member States made a request to launch such a procedure, after it was concluded that not all the Member States could agree on an EU-wide patent system. All the other Member States except Italy and Spain have since indicated they will sign up to the procedure. These two countries can still join in at any time if they wish.

Parliament gave its backing today for the procedure to go ahead by 471 votes to 160, with 42 abstentions. The Council of Competitiveness Ministers is expected to formally adopt the decision authorising enhanced cooperation on 9-10 March.  The Commission will then submit two legislative proposals: one establishing the single patent (under the co-decision procedure) and the other on the language regime (consultation procedure). In today's resolution, drafted by Klaus-Heiner Lehne (EPP-ED, DE), MEPs call on the Council to use the co-decision procedure for both proposals.

(Under the Lisbon Treaty, "enhanced co-operation" can be used to enable a group of Member States to adopt new common rules when a unanimous EU-wide agreement cannot be reached.)

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