Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 december 2011
IEF 10701
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Effect van de volgrechtrichtlijn

Report on the Implementation and Effect of the Resale Right Directive (2001/84/EC), COM(2011) 878 final.

Volgrecht, auteur van een oorspronkelijk kunstwerk. In overeenstemming met artikel 11 van de Richtlijn dient de commissie een rapport inzake de implementatie en het effect van de Richtlijn aan te bieden aan het Europees Parlement, de Raad en de EcoSoC. Het rapport concludeert (zie gehele bericht voor o.a. inhoudsopgave):

No clear patterns can be established to link the loss of the EU's share in the global market for modern and contemporary art with the harmonisation of provisions relating to the application of the resale right in the EU on 1 January 2006. Neither can any clear patterns currently be established that would indicate systematic trade diversion within the EU away from those Member States which introduced the right for living artists in 2006. Nevertheless, there are clearly pressures on European art markets, in all price ranges, and for both the auction and dealer sectors, and it is recalled that the scope of the application of the resale right will be significantly expanded following the ending of the derogation for the works of deceased artists on 1 January 2012.

At the same time, the quality of the administration of the resale right appears to vary considerably across the EU, bringing costs to art market professionals and artists alike. The burden can be particularly high for those at the lower end of the market who are proportionately more deeply affected by the costs of administering the right. The Commission recognises, furthermore, that in some Member States inefficient administration of the resale right presents a not insignificant burden on art market professionals and may also lead to unnecessarily high deductions from the royalties due to artists and their successors.

• In light of the economic significance of the sector, the Commission considers that market developments should be kept under review. The Commission will undertake a further reporting exercise and deliver its results in 2014.
• The Commission will also pursue its commitment to persuading third countries to implement the resale right.
• In light of the volume of transactions subject to the resale right, the European Commission also considers that there would be benefit in the exchange of best practice at European level with a view to managing and minimising the administrative costs in all Member states. To this end it intends to establish a Stakeholder Dialogue, tasked with making recommendations for the improvement of the system of resale right collection and distribution in the EU. 
• More broadly, the European Commission is concerned that collecting societies should operate to a high standard of governance and transparency with regard to their members and to commercial users, and will bring forward a proposal in this regard during 2012 to apply in equal measure to collecting societies administering the resale right.

1. Introduction . 3
1.1. The aims of the Directive. 3
1.2. The objective of this Report. 3
1.3. Procedural issues and consultation of interested parties . 4
2. Effects of the Directive . 4
2.1. Background - the Global Art Market . 4
2.2. Competitiveness of the market in modern and contemporary art in the EU in relation
to relevant markets that do not apply the resale right . 4
2.2.1. Auction sales of the works of living artists. 5
2.2.2. Auction sales of works of deceased artists. 5
2.3. Impact on the Internal Market. 6
2.3.1. Auction sales of the works of living and deceased artists. 6
2.3.2. Changes in overall market share . 7
2.4. Factors affecting the development of art markets . 7
2.4.1. Mobility in the higher price brackets . 7
2.4.2. Administrative burden in the lower price brackets . 8
3. Implementation Issues at national Level. 8
3.1. The royalty rates. 8
3.2. Management procedures . 8
3.2.1. Administrative costs. 8
3.2.2. Costs for collecting societies. 9
3.2.3. The "cascade effect". 9
4. Impact on Artists . 9
4.1. Benefits and costs for artists . 9
5. Conclusions . 10
5.1. Competitiveness of European markets. 10