EPO Supplementairy publication UPC en SPC case law
Bijdrages over Unified patent court en latest case law concerning SPCs, 17th European Patent Judges' Symposium, EPO OJ Supplementairy publication 2015.The Unified Patent Court
Carl JOSEFSSON, Preselection and training of UPC judges 42-45
Sir David KITCHIN, Development of a common judicial culture and judgecraft among the judges of the UPC 46-60
Sir Richard ARNOLD, A patent held in a binding ruling to have been infringed is subsequently revoked: what happens next? National practice and what will the UPC do? 61-68
Marie COURBOULAY, Different practices at national courts: a challenge for the UPC 69-72
William CHANDLER, Patentability of computer-implemented inventions (CIIs): state of play and developments 73-79
Klaus GRABINSKI, Comparison and interaction between EPO boards of appeal and national courts – state of play in German practice 80-95
Latest case law concerning supplementary protection certificates
İlhami GÜNEŞ, Supplementary protection certificates in EU law: a compensation mechanism and Turkey's position 96-104
Massimo SCUFFI, Supplementary protection certificates: the evolution of European case law on the terms of patent extension and the scope of protection 105-119
Rian KALDEN, Discussion of recent CJEU case law on SPCs: the three 12 December 2013 cases 120-134