Handelsgeheimen en slaafse nabootsing
Hogan Lovells Final Report on Parasitic Copying for the European Commission, Study on Trade Secrets and Parasitic Copying (Look-alikes) MARKT/2010/20/D - volledig dossierHandelsgeheimen en slaafse nabootsing. Op basis van twee vragenlijsten is in de 27 lidstaten onderzoek gedaan. Hierna is een meer diepgaand onderzoek gedaan in de volgende geselecteerde landen: Engeland, Duitsland, Italië, Zweden en Bulgarije. De volgende aanbevelingen worden gedaan:
111. Based on our understanding of how the EC Unfair Commercial Practices Directive has been implemented, any parasitic copying legislation should include a clear and precise indication of its intended nature, its aims and objectives so as to make it entirely clear to a Member State when the approach it had previously adopted is insufficient and/or inapplicable.
112. Specialist courts should be the only judicial arena in which claims relating to parasitic copying claims are heard. In the majority of cases, we submit that it would be sufficient if they were heard in the same courts as trade mark infringement and unfair competition/passing off claims. This would mean that such claims can be heard costeffectively together with whatever other intellectual property infringement claims may also apply. It would also ensure that a pool of specialist judicial experience and expertise is established as such courts become familiar with the requirements of any new harmonising law.
113. Consideration should be given to extending relevant provisions in the Enforcement Directive (particularly those dealing with the provision by the defendant of relevant information concerning its activities and remedies) to parasitic copying cases so that they are uniformly and clearly available across the European Union, as this does not appear presently to be the case.