Legal Measures Against Counterfeit and Piracy in the EU and the Netherlands
J.M. Brölmann, R. Ribbert, Legal Measures Against Counterfeit and Piracy in the European Union and The Netherlands, ingezonden door Jan Brölmann en Radboud Ribbert, Greenberg Traurig. Intellectual Property (IP) Right holders are often involved in an ongoing battle against counterfeit, pirated and other infringing goods. European and Dutch law provide effective remedies against offering and selling of these goods. Below is a brief summary of the new European Anti-Piracy regulation (608/2013) and a synopsis of remedies available under Dutch Law: 1. Extended Scope of Intellectual Property (IP) rights; 2. Simplified procedure for the destruction of infringing goods; 3. Destruction of small consignments; Dutch measures – civil and criminal remedies.
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