Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 31 mei 2013
IEF 12711
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Lisbon Council: Copyright Reform for Growth and Jobs

Ian Hargreaves and Bernt Hugenholtz, Copyright Reform for Growth and Jobs: Lisbon Council Policy Brief, Issue 13/2013.
This policy brief has two parts. In part one, which begins on the next page, we look at the economic arguments for reforming copyright. In part two, which begins on page 6, we present a menu of possible options to policymakers. These proposals do not comprise an integrated slate of equally important and interdependent recommendations; rather they are a list of ideas, all of them well canvassed in debates in recent years, and which have a part to play in addressing today’s problems. (...)

Meanwhile, we urge the European Commission and member states to examine more immediate opportunities for reform of the kind set out (by no means exhaustively) below.
I. Make limitations and exceptions more harmonised and flexible
II.Shorten terms of protection to proportionate levels
III. Simplify online licensing across the EU
IV. Recalibrate the reproduction right
V. Simplify legal protection of digital rights management systems
VI. Downsize the database right
VII. Rebalance copyright enforcement remedies

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