Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 3 april 2012
IEF 11148
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Mediation thuiskopie en reprovergoeding van start

Statement by Mr. António Vitorino on the mediation process concerning private copying and reprography levies, Speech 2 april 2012.

Het proces van mediation is gestart en António Vitorino nodigt stakeholders en organisaties uit om middels de op pagina 3 vermelde vragenlijst schriftelijk bij te dragen aan werkbare oplossingen voor de onderstaande problemen. Insturen kan tot 31 mei 2012.

My objective is twofold. Firstly I aim to identify possible ways to tackle the issue of disparate levy systems negatively affecting the functioning of the Single Market. At the same time I aim to assess the functioning and the scope of the private copying and the reprography exceptions in today's fast evolving digital environment. Both aspects may lead me to formulate recommendations for legislative action, as appropriate. As of this month, I will begin my talks with those whom I have identified as key stakeholders. My intention is to start, in the first instance, by holding these discussions on an individual basis as, in my view, this is a more effective and efficient way to achieve progress.

So far, I have identified the following core issues that will form the basis for my engagement
with stakeholders:
1. Methodology for setting levy tariffs
2. Cross-border sales
3. Determination of the person or entity liable to pay the levy
4. Visibility of the levy
5. Private copying and reprography in the context of new digital forms of distribution of
copyright- protected content and the implications for levy systems.

Contributions should be based on the questionnaire in Annex and sent to by 31 May 2012. I expect to finalise my consultations in the course of the summer and to present my conclusions and recommendations to Commissioner Barnier during autumn 2012.

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