Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 29 augustus 2008
IEF 7027
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Tobias Cohen Jehoram and Maarten Santman (De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek) , Opel/Autec: does the ECJ realize what it has done? Journal of Intellectual Property Law Practice, August 2008; 3: 507 - 510.

“Key Words: When invoking Article 5(1)(a) of the Directive, one should also show that the attacked use damages one of the functions of a trade mark, and in particular that the public links the sign to the (undertaking of the holder of the) trade mark. • ‘Use in relation to goods or services’ in Article 5(1)(a) actually means ‘use in relation to the goods or services of the party using the sign’, in cases not similar to the BMW/Deenik situation. • Use of a trade mark on the internet, referring use and use in comparative advertising, as a result of Opel/Autec may fall outside the scope of Article 5(1) and 5(2), and thus outside the scope of harmonised trade mark law.

(Just before the going to press of this article, the ECJ rendered its decision in O2/Hutchison3G (12 June 2008, case C-533/06), dealing with the relationship between the Trademark Directive ("TMDir") and the Advertising Directive. The decision holds that trademark use in advertising may be acted against under Articles 5(1) and (2) TMDir, holding that the use by competitor of a trademark in comparative advertising can be regarded as use for the advertiser's own goods and services as referred to these articles (par. 36 of that decision). This is difficult to reconcile with the Opel/Autec decision, since in that case, the ECJ limited the scope of Art. 5(1)(a), holding that that BMW/Deenik applies only in the specific circumstances of that case. Now, in view of the O2 case, the scope of Art. 5 seems to be broadened (again) to (at least) also cover use in comparative advertising. The ECJ unfortunately did not go into the possibility to invoke national implementations of Art. 5(5) TMDir, which in our view could provide for a solution in such cases, as use in advertising could easily be qualified as "other use" within the meaning of that article.)

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