Presentaties Exploring solutions in the debate surrounding patents and plant breeders' rights

The Netherlands EU Presidency 2016, Symposium speeches, Finding the Balance - Exploring solutions in the debate surrounding patents and plant breeders’ rights, 18 mei 2016. Different EU Member States, stakeholders and the European Parliament have expressed their concern regarding this situation, especially after a ruling of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office last year on the patentability of products resulting from essential biological processes. In order to find a way for restoring the balance, the Netherlands Presidency will host a symposium together with the European Commission to discuss the issue with both Member States and stakeholders and explore possible ways forward.
1. Exploring solutions in the debate surrounding patents and plant breeders’ rights.
2. Dr. Then, Presentation No Patents on Seeds
3. Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger, LL.M. (Harvard) Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; Presentation Introduction to Patents, Plant Breeders’ Rights and the Biotech Directive
4. Tweede Kamerlid Martijn van Dam Finding the balance.