Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 september 2005
IEF 883
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1- "A ten-second view of a screen in which a lawyerly paragraph scolds you viciously for abusing the Lego trademark by calling the toys "Legos." They ask you to stop calling them Legos and switch to the far more mellifluous "Lego Bricks or Toys." You know what? Real people in the real world call the toys Legos. Real customers. People don't rearrange their idiom to suit trademark lawyers. Deal." Lees hier meer.

2- "Popsong Piracy. Or, Napster in the 1930s and the Story of Fakebooks. In April 1930, in a raid on bootleg song-sheet peddlers on Broadway between 42nd and 43rd, Traffic Patrolman Broger made the first arrest: Mrs. Sarah Yagoda, age 80. After a Music Publishers Protective Association representative and the district attorney interrogated Mrs. Yagoda in a failed attempt to identify the sheet's printer and distributors, she was allowed to go home." Lees hier meer.