Gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 augustus 2006
IEF 2460
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The only piece of art on the moon (depending, we suppose, on one’s definition of art) is a 3?-tall aluminum sculpture titled “Fallen Astronaut.” It was created by Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck and installed by Apollo 15 astronaut David Scott, along with a plaque bearing the names of the 14 astronauts and cosmonauts who died in the service of space exploration.

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- Jurimarketing. “Met het gewonnen kort geding tegen Foreign Media Group nog vers in het geheugen heeft uitgeverij G.A. van Oorschot besloten om van het momentum te profiteren en een grootscheepse kortingsactie op touw te zetten. onder het motto 'Er is maar één Russische Bibliotheek®' “

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- Gelbe Seiten. The German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) cancelled the rights of Deutsche Telekom to the two brands "Gelbe Seiten" and "Yellow Pages.". The application to cancel was granted on the grounds that the two terms in question constituted general descriptions and were hence not capable of being protected by German patent and trademark law, the opinion of the DPMA states.

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- Downing Street is refusing to disclose whether Tony Blair has privately discussed changing copyright laws with Sir Cliff Richard, his summer holiday host.

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- The European Court of the First Instance has let it be known that  case T-487/04, a complaint against the decision of the Second Board of Appeal of OHIM of 29th September 2004 (Ref.  R 176/2004-2)  concerning the rejection of the word designation ‘BIN LADEN’ has been settled by virtue of the withdrawal of the application.

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