Gepubliceerd op zondag 22 januari 2006
IEF 1522
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-Eén van de leukste niches in het IE-recht: IE-ruimterecht: “Outer space activities are characterized, in particular, by the utilization of sophisticated technology in respect of which protection of intellectual property plays an important role, and by the fact that national law, in principle, only applies to the territory (including air space) of a country and not to outer space. In conjunction with its Futures Project on the Commercialization of Space and the Development of Space Infrastructure, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) requested World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to submit an issue paper concerning intellectual property and space activities. This paper is prepared by the International Bureau of WIPO in response to that request in order to illustrate how intellectual property issues interrelate with outer space activities. (Issue paper prepared by the International Bureau of WIPO, April, 2004) Lees hier meer. 

- Sad but funny Lawyer Coloring Book. Klik hier.

- Juridische valkuilen voor weblogs voor leken verklaard. Serie artikelen op Ius mentis met antwoorden op de meest voorkomende juridische vragen. O.a: Mag ik op mijn werk bloggen? Ben ik aansprakelijk voor reacties op mijn weblog? Mag ik inline linken naar andermans afbeelding? Hoe veel mag ik citeren? Auteursrecht bij het bloggen. Gebruik van materiaal van anderen. Antwoorden kunnen natuurlijk altijd genuanceerder en uitputtender, maar dat is niet de opzet van de artikelen. Lees hier meer.

- Cease and Desist is a short animated film about the way that trademark law screws up video games like City of Heroes. City of Heroes is a superhero roleplaying game where players design costumed alter-egos for themselves and fight crime; in 2004 the game became embroiled in lawsuits from comic-book publishers who charged that the company violated trademark law by failing to police its players' costume choices, because some players' costumes were similar to those worn by Marvel's characters. Lees hier meer (