
IEF 2180

Het gebied van

Persbericht: "Deze maand is Ribbert Van der Kroft Advocaten gestart met een weblog op het gebied van het entertainmentrecht."

IEF 2114

IE Agenda

Nieuw in de rechterkolom: De IE-Agenda van uitgeverij deLex. Klik op het plaatje in de rechterkolom (onder de Houthoff-advertentie) en zie welke IE-gebeurtenis op welke dag plaatsvindt en welke dag nog vrij is voor nog een congres, seminar, borrel, lezing, promotie, lounge-session, opening of PAO-cursus.

Informeer de doelgroep, voorkom gelijktijdige events en meldt hier uw activiteiten tijdig aan.

IEF 2106


Nieuw in de rechterkolom: De IE-Agenda van uitgeverij deLex. Klik op het plaatje (onder de Houthoff-advertentie) en zie welke IE-gebeurtenis op welke dag plaatsvindt en welke dag nog vrij is voor nog een congres, seminar, borrel, lezing, promotie, lounge-session, opening of PAO-cursus.

Informeer de doelgroep, voorkom gelijktijdige events en meldt hier uw activiteiten tijdig aan.

IEF 2074


Het twintig jaar bestaan van het CIER in Utrecht wordt gevierd met een congres. Dit  2 daagse congres genaamd "The Human Rights Paradox in Intellectual Property Law" zal plaatsvinden op 3 en 4 juli 2006. Voor de schappelijke prijs van E 350 (bij registratie voor 18 mei is dit E 300)  krijgt u een interessant 2 daags programma waar de "human rights paradox" in het octrooirecht en in het auteursrecht aan bod komen. Meer informatie hier.

IEF 1990


Vandaag bij de post, de Nieuwe Dikke Legal 500. Tip voor starters: Doe verschrikkelijk hard je best, maar laat ook je kantoornaam beginnen met een A, of desnoods met een B.

Intellectual property Netherlands. The Chambers Legal 500 Series Recommend (Firms are listed in groups in order of priority, and alphabetically within groups):

Simmons & Simmons 
Allen & Overy LLP 
Baker & McKenzie 
Bird & Bird 
CMS Derks Star Busmann 
Clifford Chance 
Kennedy Van Der Laan 
Steinhauser Hoogenraad, Advocaten 
AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen N.V. 
Arnold + Siedsma, Attorneys at Law and Patent Attorneys 
Boekel De Nerée 
Bousie Advocaten 
Buren van Velzen Guelen 
DLA SchutGrosheide 
De Jonge Peters Remmelink 
Greenberg Traurig LLP 
Höcker Rueb Doeleman Advocaten 
Hoens & Souren Advocaten 
Holland van Gijzen 
Houthoff Buruma 
Kneppelhout & Korthals 
Loyens & Loeff 
Oosterbaan & Van Eeghen 
Pels Rijcken & Droogleever Fortuijn NV 
Ploum Lodder Princen 
Ribbert Van der Kroft Advocaten 
Van Benthem & Keulen 
Van Doorne 

Firms are listed in groups in order of priority, and alphabetically within groups.

The Legal 500 Series comments:
Since its inception at the beginning of 2005, Brinkhof has made a considerable impact on the Dutch IP market and has already built up a formidable portfolio of clients including Apple, Canon, Unilever and Novartis. The group has a focus on patent disputes and life sciences, and includes some leading individuals in these fields including former Hague Appeal Court vice-president Jan Brinkhof, US-trained litigator Richard Ebbink and Arnold Versteeg. The firm successfully defended the supermarket chain, Albert Heijn, against high-profile trade mark infringement allegations by Unilever.

In an area of law which has experienced a significant degree of lateral movement, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek's IP team has remained remarkably stable. Constant van Nispen has 'excellent procedural knowledge and vast experience' and is part of a highly regarded patent litigation team that includes Simon Dack and Jan Pieter Hustinx, both of whom were recently promoted to partner. The firm recently acted for Johnson & Johnson in both its EPO patent litigation and its patent dispute with Schneider. A strong copyright practice is involved in a number of Supreme Court hearings including representing Endemol in a dispute with Bob Geldof's Castaway. Tobias Cohen Jehoram is recommended for trade mark advice.

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer's IP group offers contentions and non-contentious expertise across a range of patent, trade mark and copyright issues. The group has reported growth in marketing and trade mark-related litigation. Recent highlights include advising Quicksilver in global trade mark infringement proceedings and Casema in a comparative advertising dispute with rival cable company, KPN. The team has further broadened its scope with the recent launch of a trade mark portfolio management practice. A strong patents practice benefits from close working arrangements with the London and Dusseldorf offices, and frequently coordinates international patent proceedings. Peter Hendrick is a well-known patent litigator.

The Amsterdam office of US-based IP firm, Howrey LLP continues to flourish. William Hyung heads the four-partner team that has a strong patent focus. Hyung himself has been involved in several landmark cases and is litigation counsel to several national and multinational pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The firm often works in close collaboration with its US office in multi-jurisdictional litigation.

Klos Morel Vos & Schaap has quickly established a reputation in the market as a soft IP practice of the highest order. Name partner Sven Klos receives plaudits from his peers.

Lovells has a strong pharmaceutical practice and is currently instructed by Merck in relation to a patent infringement case against generic drug manufacturer, TEVA. Klaas Bisschop is representing Philips in a comparative advertising dispute with Dyson, concerning vacuum cleaners. Bert Oosting is highly recommended.

Simmons & Simmons has a more rounded practice following the recent recruitment of trade mark and advertising partner, Willem Leppink. Leppink is instructed by Harley-Davidson on trade mark infringement issues and is advising Wilkinson Sword in its comparative advertising litigation with Gillette. Severin de Wit has an excellent reputation for patent litigation and is frequently involved in disputes with an international dimension. The team works closely with the firm's customs department, to offer clients an invaluable pan-European border-detention service.

Allen & Overy LLP has been involved in high-profile comparative advertising disputes on behalf of KPN, UPC and ANWB. Department head Paul Reeskamp has a contentious focus across a broad range of IP matters including patents and trade marks.

Baker & McKenzie is executing notable anti-counterfeiting operations for two major IT companies. Department head Alexander Odle is 'very hands on and reacts extremely quickly', say clients. Odle is ably assisted by Reina Weening, who offers expertise in trade mark litigation and copyright, design rights and comparative advertising. Weening also heads the burgeoning patents practice.

BarentsKrans has a focus on patent litigation, increasingly with an international flavour. Marleen van den Horst has a strong reputation for patent and regulatory work in the pharmeucitical industry.

At Bird & Bird, Wouter Pors heads an IP team, that in unison with its European network, specialises in providing multi-jurisdictional contentious advice, particularly in relation to trade mark and patent disputes. Clients include Honeywell, Richemont and Hoffman-La Roche.

Headed by Willem Hoorneman, CMS Derks Star Busmann's IP team has a focus on trade mark and patent litigation in the pharmaceutical field. Janneke Craaikamp has a strong life sciences practice.

Jeroen Ouwehand heads a team at Clifford Chance that has a soft IP focus. Recent highlights include advising Endemol Internaional in relation to multi-jurisdictional litigation over IP infringements of the Big Brother format. Clients include Tele2, AOL and eBay.

The 'responsive and pragmatic' Kennedy Van Der Laan offers extensive IP knowledge to an impressive range of clients that includes Heinz, Yahoo! and Microsoft. Alfred Meijboom garners respect from clients in particular for his contentious IP and brand protection/anti-counterfeiting work.

NautaDutilh's Charles Gielen has an excellent reputation as a trade mark litigator. Gielen recently succesfully represented DuPont de Nemours in the highly-publicised TEFLON case.

IP boutique Steinhauser Hoogenraad, Advocaten has a focus on advertising.

At AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen N.V. department head, Ernst Jan-Louwers is representing Texas Instruments in an anti-counterfeit case.

Aided by its international network, DLA SchutGrosheide has been involved in a number of anti-counterfeiting matters, including advising the Lance Armstrong Foundation with regard to counterfeit wristbands, LIVESTRONG. The firm also successfully obtained an injunction on behalf of KPN in its comparative advertising dispute with Vodafone.

Greenberg Traurig LLP's Annette Mak has a burgeoning reputation and has been involved in a number of trade mark disputes for multinational clients.

Kneppelhout & Korthals' Kees Capel has a focus in patent law, particularly in the fields of food, beverages and agriculture.

Lees hier alles nog een keer.

IEF 1984

Visitekaartjes en boeken mee

In verband met de viering van Wereld IE Dag is IEForum.nl vanmiddag ook offline beschikbaar. Voor wie het nu nog niet weet de IEForum.nl Wereld IE Dag Borrel 2006 vindt plaats tussen 17.00 en 20.00 uur in het prachtige grachtenpand (en deo volente de prachtige grachtentuin) van Van der Steenhoven advocaten aan de Herengracht 582-584 in Amsterdam.

Update: Veel Wokkels, Bugles, Pepsi, Ipsei, Budweiser, Spa, J.A. Vigneau, J.P. Chenet en andere relevante voedingswaren. Op de foto met Dr. Kamil Idris. En voor wie de waarde van zijn of haar bibliotheek aanzienlijk wil verhogen is er een signeersessie met o.a. Gerard Mom, Dirk Visser en Rogier de Vrey, die meegebrachte werken van handtekening en eventueel illustratie zullen voorzien. Verder geen speeches, geen fora, geen lezingen, alleen drinken, eten, netwerken, luisteren, kijken en ruiken. Wees Welkom.

Meer over de borrel hier. Meer over World IP Day hier.

IEF 1979


Eindelijk, het is Wereld IE Dag, de geboortedag van het WIPO en ‘an opportunity to reflect on how intellectual property touches all aspects of our lives: How copyright helps bring music to our ears and art, films and literature before our eyes.’

De IEForum.nl Wereld IE dag Borrel zal plaats vinden tussen 17.00 en 20.00 uur in het prachtige grachtenpand (en deo volente de prachtige grachtentuin) van Van der Steenhoven advocaten aan de Herengracht 582-584 in Amsterdam.

Geen speeches, geen fora, geen lezingen, alleen drinken, eten, netwerken, luisteren, kijken en ruiken. Welkom.

Meer over de borrel hier. Meer over World IP Day hier.

IEF 1965

Aanstaande woensdag

Even inlezen voor de IEForum.nl Wereld IE Dag Borrel 2006:

Persbericht WIPO: World IP Day 2006 focuses on the power of ideas. The power of ideas as the seedbed for innovation and creativity is theme of this year’s World Intellectual Property (IP) Day on April 26, 2006.

In his message to mark the sixth World IP Day, Dr. Kamil Idris, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), emphasized the limitless value of ideas in inspiring the work of inventors and creators from which we all ultimately benefit. He said that "World Intellectual Property Day is an occasion to reflect on how human creativity and innovation help provide a better world for everyone.

Dr. Idris released the following message:

“ World Intellectual Property Day is an opportunity to encourage people to think about the role played by intellectual property in everyday life, and about its importance in stimulating and safeguarding innovation and creativity. This year we celebrate the starting point of all intellectual property, the seeds from which all innovations and creative works grow – ideas.

Mankind’s inexhaustible capacity for producing ideas makes us unique. Yet this extraordinary ability is often taken for granted. We hardly notice the countless ideas we generate every day, or how much of what we value is the fruit of others’ ideas: labor-saving inventions, pleasing designs, life-saving technologies.

Ideas shape our world. They are the raw materials on which our future prosperity and heritage depend. This is why it is important to provide environments in which innovative ideas are encouraged and rewarded. This is why intellectual property exists.

From the words, music and images which move us, to the brands which attract us; from the bicycle to bio-fuel; from the microchip to mobile phone – it all starts with an idea.

WIPO member states decided, in 2000, to designate a World Intellectual Property Day to raise awareness of the role of intellectual property in our daily lives, and to celebrate the contribution made by innovators and artists to the development of societies across the globe. April 26 was chosen as this was the date on which the Convention establishing WIPO entered into force in 1970. WIPO and its member states have celebrated World Intellectual Property Day on April 26 each year since its inception in 2001.
WIPO is committed to promoting an intellectual property culture in which there is broad-based understanding of the role and value of intellectual property. Through well-balanced IP systems and structures, WIPO seeks to help creators across the globe to generate economic value from their creations, and so to contribute to the social, cultural and economic advancement of their own societies and of the wider world.

IEF 1921

26 april 2006

Nog even een reminder: Wereld IE Dag Borrel: Om de omvang van de drank-, voedsel en entertainmentvoorraad juist in te kunnen schatten, bij deze het verzoek om je, onverplicht, even aan te melden voor de borrel per email.

De borrel zal plaats vinden op Wereld IE Dag, woensdag 26 april, tussen 17.00 en 20.00 uur in het prachtige grachtenpand (en deo volente de prachtige grachtentuin) van Van der Steenhoven advocaten aan de Herengracht 582-584 in Amsterdam, (zie de website met routebeschrijving hier). Nadere informatie volgt. Eerdere berichten hier.